Our summer programs are off to a great start! Both our kids and teens explored the theme of “Art-ivism: Art for Social Justice.” 

Summer Art Camp

Our kids’ program created plant pots in their clay class to bring awareness to environmentalism. Using both coil and pinch pot methods, students learned to “scratch and attach” and ended the week by planting seeds in their pots. 

a young child looks down at the pinched pot they made in the shape of a heart.

A young camper sculpts their pinch pot

In 2D class, we explored the impact of our words and created word art posters. We learned new techniques and worked with materials such as oil pastels, watercolor pencils, and even dipped our toes into optical illusions. 

In both Performance and Movement, groups learned to work collaboratively to produce amazing plays and expand our imaginations. 

Teen Summer Art Studios

Teens in 2D art worked with local artist Seline Smith to conceptualize and plan out a mural that responded to issues that students wanted to address.

The students ultimately decided on uplifting and inspiring creativity within the New Art Center space. The mural includes inspirational quotes from famous artists, as well as inspiring imagery as you enter and walk through the Teen 2D classroom!

The teen ceramic studio has been abuzz with wheel throwing and handbuilding. Students worked on intricate designs while refining their techniques. 

There’s more!

Don’t forget, camp is JUST beginning! We still have some spots in Weeks 3 and beyond. Check out our summer camp offerings here and our teen summer art studios here.