Learn more about the artist behind the New Art Center’s latest BIPOC Curatorial exhibition, Guess Who I Saw Today. This virtual talk with curator Ashleigh Dior Coren highlights the three artists in the exhibition, discusses their works, the inspiration for the exhibition, and more!
We hope you will join us Thursday, October 26, 7-8 PM for this fun (and free!) virtual night of art appreciation.
Click here to register to receive access to the Zoom!
Ashleigh Dior Coren (curator & moderator)
Ashleigh Dior Coren (she/her) is a museum interpreter in Washington, D.C. Her writing has been published in The Journal of American Folklore, Viewfinder: Reflecting Upon Museum Education, and the International Review of African American Art. She also serves on the Board for the Museum Education Roundtable.