We’ve been having a blasty-blast at art camp, embracing this week’s theme To Infinity and Beyond: Cosmic Art!

Our 2D instructor Liz Young brainstormed all things science fiction with the groups, listing different types of sci-fi characters, television shows, books, and films. Inspired by their brainstorm session, the students will create a sci-fi comic strip.  They have total creative control over the story development, characters, and style of their comic strips.  We’re already seeing lots of otherworldly story lines come together.

Some students in Kahlo have created stories about worlds with living food.

In 3D, the students are making projects that are out of this world!  Instructor Ola is leading them in building UFOs, using materials such as paper plates, bowls, and paper mache.  They’ll decide what kind of planet these UFO’s come from and design alien characters out of air dry clay.  There may even be a little space light surprise in each flying machine!

Remember the Starfleet motto: From the stars, knowledge.

Clay instructor Jaclyn Gaffney led the groups in creating star burstin’ projects!  Using kiln clay, some students rolled out cylinders to make lanterns and then used clay tools to poke through holes and attach stars onto them.  Other students created shooting star plates.  On Tuesday, they glazed their work and will continue to work on projects using air dry clay.  Can’t wait to see how everything turns out!

Just wait until these lanterns are glazed – they’ll be star-tastic!

Theater instructor Danny Bolton is hard at work directing our student performances.  Some groups are working off a pre-written script based on folk tales and short stories, such as Dragons Love Tacos and The Tortoise and the Hare.  Other groups are in the process of writing their own original script.  All the students will work together to create props and scenery for their plays and will perform them throughout the day for each other on Friday.

Students in the Matisse group try to guess the location that is being silently acted out.

Movement instructor Carissa Casey has been leading the students in some high energy and space-themed movement games.  They start every class with physical warm-ups and have been playing games like Guess the Leader and Space Obstacle Course. Later in the week, there will definitely be some water games to help cool off in this summer heat!

Students in the Ringgold group jump into space in this planetary obstacle course.

Until next week, enjoy these summer days!